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Lesley Kentile

Certified Consultant


My Story

I fell in love with Scentsy when I bought my first warmer and scent bars from a good friend. Not only are the warmers a beautiful addition to any decor (there are TONS to choose from) but the scents fill your home and just make it that much more pleasant. I never turn mine off except to clean them and that doesn't have to happen very often. 
I have two teen boys running around and if you know teen boys, you know they aren't the most graceful creatures, so the fact that there is no open flame brings great piece of mind. I don't know about you, but I despise extra housework so having no soot to wash off my walls and ceilings is a big plus for me. Plus the Scentsy fragrances can get rid of all the teenage boy funk (if not the
I don't love Scentsy because I sell it. I sell Scentsy because I love it. Check out my website and see what YOU think, you'll love it too.

What's warming in my home